The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Jane Barrett discusses Patrick Lencioni's "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," highlighting trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results as key challenges.

We were fortunate enough to have Jane Barrett join us as a guest speaker at one of our recent Pabasso group boards to share with our group of MDs & CEOs of SMEs her interpretation of Patrick Lencioni's insightful book ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team’

In the words of the author, teamwork is the "ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare."

This book is written as a pseudo-novel about an emerging technology company that has received investment but is not making any progress, it turns out that because it has a highly experienced but dysfunctional team.

I won't spoil the story but it explores 5 reasons why any business team can be dysfunctional and how to address these dysfunctions.

Here's a glimpse into what they are:


The fear of being vulnerable prevents team members from building trust with each other.


The desire to preserve artificial harmony stifles productive ideological conflict within the team.


The lack of clarity and/or buy-in prevents team members from making decisions they stick to.


The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding each other accountable for their behaviours and performance.


The pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the team's focus on collective success.

The book is an easy read and I recommend it to any Business Leader regardless of how well their team is functioning, you will get something out of it to make you a better business leader - and that's what we aspire to do with our Pabasso members.

Are you ready to experience the Potency of Peer Support and progress through the collective wisdom of being in a peer advisory board with up to 12 like-minded MDs & CEOs and an experienced Chair - all from different business sectors?

We are always looking for leaders of established businesses, currently only in Yorkshire, the Humber and the North East, who are keen to benefit from the experience and expertise of other business leaders, we are also looking for experienced business leaders to join us and Chair more Pabasso - Peer Advisory Board Associates boards. Interested? Why not drop us a note or give us a call to find out more?

We currently have a vacancy in one of our Yorkshire-based Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates boards so if you would like to know more about how we at Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates help leaders of established businesses progress through shared experiences, expertise, and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

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