Are You Easy To Do Business With?

Being "Easy to do business with" means clear communication, prompt follow-ups, and effective support. Pabasso helps CEOs and MDs improve these areas.

I was prompted to write this note following a conversation I had recently with one of our Pabasso members about being "Easy to do business with".

I was told many years ago by a senior executive of a large, UK telecoms provider that they were "Easy to do business with". 

We were pitching for some business which we didn't win - but they certainly were NOT "Easy to do business with"’ either as a potential supplier or as a long-suffering customer.

It was a great claim if only they could have backed it up.

However, it resonated with me, and it is one of the many mantras I have tried to follow in my business life. So what does it mean in reality?  I don’t think it’s that difficult if you meet the following criteria, do you?

  • Being able to concisely explain what you do and who you work with (Elevator Pitch?) YES/NO
  • Dealing with enquiries, leads, referrals, etc, clearly, effectively and promptly. YES/NO
  • Religiously following up proposals, quotations, etc, that you have provided promptly. YES/NO
  • Having a clear and welcoming onboarding process for new customers/clients, completing any documentation, order acknowledgements, etc, promptly. YES/NO
  • Having an effective customer/client support function that communicates effectively with your customers and clients about progress, delays, etc, on projects/deliveries promptly. YES/NO

If you were able to answer YES to all 5 questions, you are ahead of the game. If not, you have some work to do to be better than your competitors!

Note the extensive use of the word PROMPTLY.

Helping MDs & CEOs of SMEs through such challenges is what we do in our Pabasso peer advisory boards.

We are always looking for MDs & CEOs of established SMEs to join us, as well as experienced business leaders with time on their hands to Chair more Pabasso - Peer Advisory Board Associates peer advisory boards, currently only in Yorkshire and the North East.

If you would like to know more about how we help MDs & CEOs and support Business Leaders for greater success, why not contact our Exec. PA Imogen Laverick or one of our Directors Richard Doyle or Carlos Horner to set up a call and to see how you might benefit from being in a Pabasso - Peer Advisory Board Associates advisory board?

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