What percentage of your revenues come from products and/or services you have introduced in the last 3 years?

Innovation – what percentage of your revenues come from products and/or services you have introduced in the last 3 years?

Innovation – what percentage of your revenues come from products and/or services you have introduced in the last 3 years?

If as the business leader your answer to this question is a very low percentage you may need to think about how you plan to increase it! Few businesses can survive, let alone thrive, without regularly introducing new products and services.

However, many business leaders believe that innovation is all about creating something new and revolutionary whereas in reality most innovation involves doing the things we do every day a little bit better – rather than creating something completely new and different. Sometimes innovation is more about evolution than revolution.

These are the sort of challenges we address at Pabasso Peer Advisory Boards where up to 12 enlightened CEOs tackle such challenges.

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