We’ve got one shot at this life…

As we start 2021 many of us will have found ourselves with some free time over the festive period to reflect on the highs (yes you will have some) and the lows of 2020 and what you might like to achieve in 2021.

We’ve got one shot at this life ………….. As we start 2021 many of us will have found ourselves with some free time over the festive period to reflect on the highs (yes you will have some) and the lows of 2020 and what you might like to achieve in 2021.

I’m a great believer in setting goals, targets, objectives, whatever you choose to call them, as I firmly believe that ultimately it helps us develop and grow as individuals – and I know we can all do more than we are doing now! Benjamin Franklin once said that “if you want something done, ask a busy person.” Busy people find the time and get things done.

Wasted talent is one of the things that really saddens me. So if you have not yet thought about what you want to achieve in 2021 and how you might stretch yourself, now’s the time to do it. Personal development improves effectiveness and leads to business improvement.

Our objective at Pabasso, through our Peer Advisory Boards for leaders of growing businesses, is to help our leaders businesses grow by working as a group to help the individual develop. Happy New Year.

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