The Talent Turnover Dilemma

Whether or not you subscribe to the theory that “When America Sneezes, the World catches Cold” we cannot ignore what is happening in their Labour market.

Here’s Why So Many Companies Are Losing Employees Shortly After Onboarding * – a headline that caught my attention.

Whether or not you subscribe to the theory that “When America Sneezes, the mWorld Catches Cold” we cannot ignore what is happening in their Labour market.

That’s why when I read the article headlined above it intrigued me. There is no doubt that following the challenges of the pandemic, the availability of technology that allows people to work from home and our lowest unemployment rate since 1974 that it’s never been easier for employees to change jobs – and recruiting and replacing staff has become increasingly expensive.

The article highlights those sectors that have turnover in excess of 18% and that 45% of voluntary (employees leaving of their own accord) turnover stems from employees less than one year in the role.

Frightening, expensive and disrupting behaviour.

But it’s not all bad news there are many things that can be done to make sure you are engaged with your team and to ensure you do not add to these statistics.

*The article contains some useful ideas, it’s worth a read:

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