The Hidden Benefits of Peer Advisory Boards

Through our experiences in creating Pabasso for UK business leaders, we have learnt many things, the foremost being that most business leaders in the UK have no concept of what a peer advisory board is and therefore the benefits that they can get from membership.

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Through our experiences in creating Pabasso for UK business leaders, we have learnt many things, the foremost being that most business leaders in the UK have no concept of what a peer advisory board is and therefore the benefits that they can get from membership.

It is our mission at Pabasso to make peer advisory board membership one of the key support functions for established businesses in the UK, in addition to those typically provided by Accountants, Lawyers, Bank Managers, Insurance Brokers etc.

So when we came across an article from Entrepreneur magazine entitled 10 Reasons Why Leading Entrepreneurs Join a Peer Advisory Board we were intrigued to review these against our own experiences with Pabasso

Here are some comments from some of our members:

  • a confidential forum where I can share my concerns and problems with other experienced business leaders
  • impartial people with a mindset who can help you solve problems with a different outlook on your business.
  • your Chair will share the benefits of their experience in your personal monthly 121 offering a direct line to them should you need it. So a mentor included to boot!
  • Pabasso provides an invaluable forum to try out ideas and look for suggestions. It is always surprising how much you can take from participating in other people’s challenges. It has given me a sense that ‘I am not alone’
  • many businesses have or will have similar problems, knowing how others have or would deal with them helps you make a clearer judgment and helps the decision-making process.
  • I come away from our monthly meetings with so many great new ideas to implement. Highly recommend it to any entrepreneur who needs to take their business to the next level.
  • The peer support element and the 121 sessions have helped me really focus on what is important, gain clarity in thinking and to prioritise my work better.
  • Pabasso, for me, provides access to many business owners who share my day-to-day business issues and have also helped in my personal life.
  • a great source of guidance and the networking connections are phenomenal.
  • positive, helpful challenge where necessary is essential, and I only wish I had come across this kind of membership years ago
  • a monthly moment that holds yourself and others to account,  with bags of laughs,  generous sharing, and a learning lunch.
  • sharing experiences is a great way to continue learning and developing in your role.

If any of these comments resonate with you why not get in touch for an informal chat to find out how we might be able to help you and your business develop?

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