Surround yourself with the best people you can afford

When I was CEO of Esteem Systems one of my top guys came into my office early one Monday morning to tell me he had been looking at the Sunday Times Rich List.

When I was CEO of Esteem Systems one of my top guys came into my office early one Monday morning to tell me he had been looking at the Sunday Times Rich List.

He had rather astutely picked up on two prevalent points in the comments of those who were included. The first one being that not one of them said their journey had been easy – why would you expect it to be in this highly competitive world?

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly most of them attributed their success to surrounding themselves with great people. I have followed this mantra all my business life but slightly altering it to ‘surround yourself with the best people you can afford’ – we have to be realistic. Pabasso Peer Advisory Boards are all about surrounding ambitious CEO’s with great people, in our case great ambitious CEO’s. If you would like to benefit from joining a Pabasso board and develop a better business and a better life, you can find more information at.

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