Managing, Motivating, Developing and Retaining your People in the Post Pandemic World.

We had a very interesting discussion yesterday in one of our Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates business leaders about the development, motivation and management of people in the return to work ‘hybrid’ world and the different and completely new challenges this brings to all business leaders and managers.

We had a very interesting discussion yesterday in one of our Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates business leaders boards about the development, motivation and management of people in the return to work ‘hybrid’ world and the different and completely new challenges this brings to all business leaders and managers.

We all acknowledged that the recruitment market is hotting up and with it bringing the additional challenge of managing and motivating your people when they are not in the office full time.

Take a look at the attached article from Forbes which gives a useful insight into areas to focus on to get the best out of your post-pandemic team, the additional considerations you need to take into account in the hybrid working world, and any additional training your managers may need. sh=17b0ee428c3d&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailydozen&cdlcid=5fd31224b52f2e83d7f16d9f

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