Employers reluctant to increase pay?

High inflation, fragile post-pandemic employees and the challenges of retention and recruitment due to high employment are top of the agenda of most employers as is evidenced by the discussions we have with our Pabasso group members.

When I saw this headline in the Times last Monday it intrigued me to read more – that’s what headlines are for right?

High inflation, fragile post-pandemic employees and the challenges of retention and recruitment due to high employment are top of the agenda of most employers as is evidenced by the discussions we have with our Pabasso group members.

This quarterly survey from the CIPD suggests that only just over a quarter of employers will offer pay rises to their employees, this is despite 45% of employers saying they are struggling to fill vacancies.

Read the full article at this link: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/employers-reluctant-to-increase-pay-clspd3dbq

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