Do you know the value of an in-house mentoring program?

Many years ago when I ran my tech business I was reviewing our training budget and I came across a course about mentoring in the workplace. Like many businesses, we always sought outside help for training programs and this was no exception, I signed myself up for the course, it was enlightening.

Many years ago when I ran my tech business I was reviewing our training budget and I came across a course about mentoring in the workplace.

Like many businesses, we always sought outside help for training programs and this was no exception, I signed myself up for the course, it was enlightening.

When we have our shoulders to the wheel we sometimes forget how much experience and expertise we have in our own organisations and within our networks.

The course made me realise that implementing an in-house mentoring program could be a great low-cost way to accelerate the personal development of both the mentors and the mentees within the business.

It is not difficult to establish an in-house mentoring program and the benefits to all participants can be transformational. There is of course a difference between mentoring and coaching and I like these CIPD definitions:

What is mentoring?
Mentoring in the workplace tends to describe a relationship in which a more experienced colleague shares their greater knowledge to support the development of an inexperienced member of staff. It calls on the skills of questioning, listening, clarifying and reframing that are also associated with coaching. One key distinction is that mentoring relationships tend to be longer-term than coaching arrangements.

What is coaching?
Coaching aims to produce optimal performance and improvement at work. It focuses on specific skills and goals, although it may also have an impact on an individual’s personal attributes such as social interaction or confidence. The process typically lasts for a defined period of time or forms the basis of an ongoing management style.

Most organisations have an informal in-house coaching program as it is generally part of a manager’s role and taken for granted, but mentoring tends to be overlooked yet it is equally as powerful as coaching.

The benefits to both the mentor and the mentee of introducing an in house mentoring program can be dramatic and are well articulated on the web. Rather than attempt to redefine them here let me signpost you to a great starting place which is The Mentoring Pocketbook by Geof Alred et al. it might be the best £6.95 you ever spend!

Mentoring is just one component of the many benefits members get from being part of a Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates board, if you would like to know more about joining or chairing our Pabasso boards please get in touch.

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