Do you find the smartest people you can and surround yourself with them?

I’ve long advocated to business leaders that the key to success is to recruit the best people you can afford.

Do you find the smartest people you can and surround yourself with them?

I’ve long advocated to business leaders that the key to success is to recruit the best people you can afford. But surrounding yourself by smart people goes beyond those you employ. Enlightened leaders of growing businesses surround themselves by very smart people by joining a Peer Advisory Board. We facilitate PAB’s at, why not give us a call for a chat?

Recent stories

The Most Common Challenges & Opportunities of an MD/CEO of an SME

MDs & CEOs of SMEs face challenges in resources, people, growth, and personal development. Peer advisory boards with experienced chairs offer solutions.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Jane Barrett discusses Patrick Lencioni's "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," highlighting trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results as key challenges.

An insight into the Potency of Pabasso Peer Support with Tim Mortimer of TL Dallas

A case study of the value members get from a Pabasso board with Tim Mortimer, MD at T L DALLAS & CO LIMITED. The Potency of Peer Support!

Carlos Horner joins Pabasso to support growth across the region.

Carlos Horner joins Pabasso as Associate Director & board chair to expand the business and support growth for MDs/CEOs through peer advisory boards.

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