Do You Delegate Enough?

Delegation is a subject that often comes up in discussions with Pabasso clients as it’s such a key skill for business leaders and their senior leadership teams.

Delegation is a subject that often comes up in discussions with Pabasso clients as it’s such a key skill for business leaders and their senior leadership teams.

Management has been defined as the efficient, effective and economic use of resources to achieve results with and through the efforts of other people. It is these ‘other people’ whom we must delegate to if we are to be great Business Leaders.

There is an assumption that all CEO’s and MD’s know how to delegate effectively, as though it is an inbred skill that all business leaders possess – a bit like common sense, which is of course the least common of all senses!

Delegation is one of the most important skills a business leader must develop if they are to grow by using the full capabilities of people within their organisation – yet few business leaders ever receive any delegation training.

Leadership has been described as unlocking peoples potential to become better. Effective delegation is part of this process. It’s also a great way to develop and stretch your people and prevent them from stagnating and moving on for fresh challenges.

So next time you start a repetitive task or are faced with a one-off project ask yourself if you can delegate this task.

Understand and identify the task so you can effectively communicate the task to the individual concerned.

Understand the capability of the person you are delegating to so that you have a match of capability versus probability of success.

Understand why you are delegating the task rather than doing it yourself, is it just a one-off project to help stretch the individual or is it a task that you want to permanently move from your desk?

Understand the value of investing your time in delegating a task both in terms of people development and in freeing up your leadership time.

Understand that you need a framework to regularly follow up delegated tasks with the individuals concerned to ensure they are progressing effectively.

Finally recognise that by delegating a task you are not absolving yourself of the responsibility for that task, you are ultimately still responsible.

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