Decision Support - AI/NED/PAB?

Business leaders face 'AI Anxiety' but find value in Pabasso's diverse expertise & non-competitive support to validate decisions & tackle challenges.

Many business leaders are starting to get ‘AI Anxiety’ and are struggling to come to terms with the impact, if any, it will have on their businesses.

It's certainly a subject that comes up often in our Pabasso - Peer Advisory Board Associates boards - but it's not the only decision that business leaders discuss and on which they value the shared expertise, experience and knowledge that exists in a Pabasso - Peer Advisory Board Associates board.

The best business leaders are great decision-makers, they don't procrastinate - but they do consult.

Sometimes that consulting needs to go beyond their board of directors or senior leadership team, which can too often become an echo chamber too concerned with their vested interests to present an objective view.

One of the many benefits that business leaders get when they join an MD/CEO support group is that wider, non-competitive, experience, expertise and knowledge that enables MDs/CEOs to either validate an important decision or to discuss the best way to tackle a particular problem, challenge or opportunity.

We limit our groups to a maximum of 12 MDs/CEOs of established businesses to ensure our members get maximum value from participating.

This is not AI - it’s real-world support with real-world experience, expertise and knowledge from people who are sitting in the same seat and facing many of the same challenges - some of which they have already faced and actioned effectively.

Some members say it’s like having 12 ‘light touch’ Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) at a fraction of the price of one NED.

For some it’s an introduction to the value of the wider experience, expertise and knowledge that an NED can provide, for others it's providing additional expertise, knowledge and support that compliments having a NED - I know I cover both roles.

There is a great expression that all MDs/CEOs should constantly consider:  if you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together!

We are always looking for MDs/CEOs of established businesses, currently only in Yorkshire, the Humber and the North East, who are keen to benefit from the experience, expertise and knowledge of other business leaders, we are also looking for experienced business leaders to join us and Chair more @Pabasso - Peer Advisory Board Associates boards. Interested? Why not drop us a note or give us a call to find out more?

We currently have a vacancy in one of our Yorkshire-based Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates boards so if you would like to know more about how we at Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates help leaders of established businesses progress through shared experiences, expertise, and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

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