Chairing Successful Meetings

Unlock the secrets to successful meeting chairing with expert tips and strategies for efficient and effective leadership

April 24 image

Many years ago when my first business grew to a size where we held formal monthly board meetings (for our benefit not for external investors) I realised like any growing CEO or MD I had no formal training in Chairing or running meetings so I took action to improve my skills.

I set about trying to find some suitable training. This was of course long before the internet and YouTube but to cut a long story short I eventually found a course entitled ‘Chairing Successful Meetings’ - just what I wanted.

There is now a plethora of information available on the internet about how to Chair successful meetings but let me share with you a few tips I have picked up on my journey: 

  • Agenda: always make sure you issue an Agenda a good few working days in advance of meetings and ideally put timings against each item to help you control the meeting.
  • Set Deadlines: make it clear to all attendees submitting papers that they must be with you for distribution at least 3 working days before the meeting and ideally, if there are multiple papers,  distribute all the papers as 1 pack.
  • Diarise Meeting Preparation: set aside time in your diary to read all papers before the meeting and to do any meeting preparation you require - you will need to do some!
  • Call for any AOB items: either when you send out the agenda or at the beginning of the meeting and decide whether you wish to include these items in the meeting or take them offline.
  • Change the Sequence: for regular meetings, like board meetings, change the sequence of the agenda regularly so it is not always the same contributor in the graveyard slot.
  • Close Down Discussions: if appropriate, do not allow participants to hog the meeting, keep everyone to the agenda. 
  • Only One person talks at a time:  ensure you police this and ensure you come back to those interrupting to give them their say.
  • Inject some fun: when you can and when it is appropriate - maybe start with a joke?
  • Start and finish on time: unless there are extenuating circumstances. make it clear to attendees that your meetings will start and finish on time, regardless of whether people arrive late.

Finally, whenever you find yourself in a new situation requiring new skills, like chairing meetings or any skill you might need to pick up as your role develops. Don't be afraid to seek help from others who might have experience and expertise (and the will) to support you.

It is a wise person who learns from their own mistakes but it's a wiser person who learns from other people's mistakes!

We currently have a vacancy in one of our Yorkshire-based Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates boards so if you would like to know more about how we at Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates help leaders of established businesses progress through shared experiences, expertise, and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

If you would like to know more about how we at Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates help leaders of established businesses progress through shared experiences, expertise and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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