Business Leaders Must Find More ‘Me Time’ in 2022

Most business leaders are time scarce, so much so that many struggle to find the time to invest in strategy planning, problem-solving and exploring opportunities. This often means that you do not have any time to invest in personal development or time to work on rather than in the business.

Most business leaders are time scarce, so much so that many struggle to find the time to invest in strategy planning, problem-solving and exploring opportunities.

This often means that you do not have any time to invest in personal development or time to work on rather than in the business.

You are not unique in this respect – but if you want to continue to develop personally, be a better leader, make your business better and recognise that you do not have all the answers, you need to take action.

The only way to do this is to regularly block out time in your diary, let’s call it ‘Me Time’ – and stick to it. Don’t let others see this as time they can steal from you and make sure you protect this time.
Start by finding some time to read this Forbes article ‘How Executives Should Be Spending Their Time’. It’s full of useful tips and I guarantee you will pick up some techniques to help you be a better leader in 2022.

One very time-efficient way to do this is to actually take some time out of the business each month. That may sound drastic but we know it pays dividends. Members of Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates do just that, they meet with up to 12 business leaders from non-competitive businesses, for one morning each month, and use shared experiences and expertise to solve problems and explore opportunities.

In addition, they spend up to 2 hours a month with their board Chair in a 121 coaching/mentoring/strategy/planning and some say therapy session.

However you choose to do it, make sure you create some regular ’Me Time’ in 2022

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