The Most Common Challenges & Opportunities of an MD/CEO of an SME
MDs & CEOs of SMEs face challenges in resources, people, growth, and personal development. Peer advisory boards with experienced chairs offer solutions.
Uncover ‘Social Loafing’ in business teams, its impact on performance, and the importance of cost control in growing businesses
That's a new term to me - but not unfamiliar behaviour.
Cost control is so important, particularly with growing businesses where revenue growth puts pressure on your teams and the only solution they can suggest is to hire more people.
There is a great business adage that it is a lot easier to knock a £ off your costs than it is to add a £ to your revenue. The message being keep an eye on your costs.
Always consider carefully the pressure to take on more staff unless absolutely necessary, ask those wanting more people to present alternatives, perhaps using technology, and certainly insist they complete a job requisition outlining the expected return on investment for the new role - with timescales.
‘Social Loafing’ is a term that first appeared back in 1913 when a French engineer named Max Ringelman conducted a rope-pulling experiment with a group of students and a dynamometer.
He found that when the group were asked to pull on the rope as a team, they did not pull as hard collectively, as when they were pulling alone - 2 + 2 did not equal 4!
He established that this was because some people put less effort into pulling the rope when they were in a team than when they pulled alone, this phenomenon became known as ‘Social Loafing’.
This happens in your teams in a business and is a phenomenon that you need to be conscious of, both when recruiting and when you (regularly) review your team's performance.
Keep an eye out for those ‘not pulling their weight’.
Shirker noun - someone who avoids something, especially work.
At Pabasso we are focused on helping leaders of established businesses progress and through shared experience, expertise and support.
We are always looking for leaders of established businesses, currently only in the Yorkshire region, who are keen to grow, why not drop us a note or give us a call to find out more?
We currently have a vacancy in one of our Yorkshire-based Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates boards so if you would like to know more about how we at Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates help leaders of established businesses progress through shared experiences, expertise, and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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MDs & CEOs of SMEs face challenges in resources, people, growth, and personal development. Peer advisory boards with experienced chairs offer solutions.
Jane Barrett discusses Patrick Lencioni's "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," highlighting trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results as key challenges.
A case study of the value members get from a Pabasso board with Tim Mortimer, MD at T L DALLAS & CO LIMITED. The Potency of Peer Support!
Carlos Horner joins Pabasso as Associate Director & board chair to expand the business and support growth for MDs/CEOs through peer advisory boards.