After a year of COVID-19, women in the workplace want out?

A week yesterday was International Women’s day, yet 2 days later a report from the respected McKinsey and Company tells us that post-Covid one-quarter of women in corporate America are thinking about leaving.

A week yesterday was International Women’s day, yet 2 days later a report from the respected McKinsey and Company tells us that post-Covid one-quarter of women in corporate America are thinking about leaving. This would be a catastrophe for any business at any time but as we emerge from the pandemic and adjust to the new normal, which undoubtedly will include some form of hybrid WFH/Office working, it’s imperative that all business leaders heed these warning signs and prepare to tackle this potential challenge.

So it’s not just about balanced management teams and balanced boards it’s about making it as attractive for women as it is to men to take on these roles. After all, if your customer base is made up of both sexes you need both sexes in your teams to make sure you are presenting the right solutions and solving ALL the problems that your solutions are designed to resolve.

We know from Pabasso – Peer Advisory Board Associates that most leaders of growing businesses are still men so it’s vital we keep women as engaged as men and that they do not leave in the droves that the McKinsey report might be suggesting.

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